Taiwan Diary Or When West Meets East
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Taiwan Diary
Or When West Meets East
von Richard Mann
Having received his M.A. from the Free University of West-Berlin, the author won a scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation for two intensive Chinese language courses which strengthen his already growing interest in China. Finally realizing he’d never learn Chinese in a German environment, he decided to study on Taiwan. After traveling through the Soviet Union and Japan, he arrived in Taipei, ready and willing to accept the challenge of living in a totally different culture. His various experiences as a student and teacher slowly enlarged his awareness of the differing beliefs and values separating East and West and through this, becoming painfully conscience of his biases and limitations, thus also gaining critical insights as to both Chinese and his own culture. While this journey included manifold misunderstandings leading to very embarrassing situation, it eventually evolved into a worthwhile experience in cross-cultural learning.
156 Seiten
EUR 12,00
ISBN 978-3-8280-3750-2
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EUR 8,99
ISBN 978-3-8280-3751-9