Julia's Book of Love

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Julia's Book of Love


von Julia Summerland

Love after Corona – What Julia did next

Julia’s Book of Love, the fourth in the 'Love in Times of Coronavirus' series tells my journey of finding love through the world of online dating. As I continue my adventures on this digital quest for a partner, unexpected events unfold—truly unforeseen occurrences! Big dreams materializes and there are exciting projects in the pipeline. Throughout this journey, I've gathered stories of my own experiences and those of other men and women in the pursuit of love. These stories range from humor-filled escapades to poignant moments, from everyday encounters to tales of love, all with a touch of the romantic Italian spirit.


Created with Sketch.

168 Seiten
EUR 11,00 
ISBN 978-3-8280-3842-4

Auch als E-Book erhältlich
EUR 6,99
ISBN 978-3-8280-3843-1